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Miodrag Tasic by Raphaël Monticelli"Miodrag Tasic" by Raphaël Monticelli

editions du Ricochet, 1997published by Ricochet, 1997

"The figures of Miodrag Tasic will never stop teaching you. You're going to live with their absence and question him or her day after day ; you walk out of your life to large areas that you believe once and for all calm and bright and taste them to be a strangeness of unknown ; you will come up against in their questioning and stubborn, to the conversations they will incur no truce between them and the other people in the world, with their songs lonely, raucous, such as mistuned, their breathing short. New joy and new concern, happiness and unhappiness, mixed, the work of an artist is born. "

"Miodrag Tasic's figures will never cease to intrigue you. You experience their abstraction and question it day after day. You will leave your greater existence – that will once and for all seem calm and brighter – and get the flavour of just how very odd and unusual they are. Their stubborn curiosity will astound you, their incessant conversations with each other and everyone else around, their lonely, hoarse and discordant songs, their breathlessness. Arousing new feelings of delight and unease, with a mixture of good luck and misfortune, an artist's work is born. "

Translated by Yandex.Translate and Global Translator
